The Physical Education and Sport Program at Tyabb Railway Station Primary School encompasses fitness, skills, movement, dance, gymnastics, games, aquatics, recreation and sport. It aims to develop resilience, respect, relationships and responsibility in all children as well as develop their personal and social skills. It also aims to promote the enjoyment of physical activity by providing interesting and motivating activities while developing the student's knowledge, skills and behaviours.
It introduces the children to many forms of physical activity ranging from individual involvement to non-competitive activity through to competitive team games. Emphasis is placed on combining motor skills and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance.
They progress from the development of basic motor skills to the performance of complex movement patterns that form part of team games. They also learn how developing physical capacity in areas such as strength, flexibility and endurance is related to both fitness and physical performance.
The students learn simple rules and procedures and the importance of using equipment safely and confidently. The children are encouraged to undertake a variety of roles when participating in sports such as umpire, coach and player.
The Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of team and individual sporting championships throughout the year.